Climate-changed induced drought in the West has reduced flows in the Colorado River to dangerously-low levels

The Colorado River has always been a critical water source for California, Nevada, and Arizona. Climate-change induced drought over the last decade or more has reduced river flows, and reservoir levels, to the point where drastic cuts in water use will soon be mandated by the federal government. Negotiations between the states involved as to… Continue reading Climate-changed induced drought in the West has reduced flows in the Colorado River to dangerously-low levels

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Summer in America is now hotter, longer, and more dangerous

Average summer temperatures have increased steadily over the last several decades. Summer temperatures in Reno, Nevada have risen 10.9 degrees Fahrenheit, on average, since 1970, making it the fastest warming city in the nation during the hottest months. The western USA has warmed faster than the rest of the country, on average, but all areas… Continue reading Summer in America is now hotter, longer, and more dangerous

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Deadly Heat in India and Pakistan “Highly Unlikely” without Climate Change

The recent heat wave in India and Pakistan started about two months earlier than normal, with temperatures also much higher than are typically seen in the Spring of the year. Scientists studying the heat wave say there is little doubt it is linked to climate change, which made such an event 30-100 times more likely.… Continue reading Deadly Heat in India and Pakistan “Highly Unlikely” without Climate Change

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Over half of U.S. properties face some degree of wildfire risk

A recent research report has determined that 56 percent of all U.S. homes face some wildfire risk over the next few decades. More than 20 million properties across the continental US are threatened by at least “moderate” wildfire risk. Those homes have up to a 6 percent chance of being in a blaze at some… Continue reading Over half of U.S. properties face some degree of wildfire risk

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Canada will face lethal heat within a few decades

Most of Canada is warming (on average) at twice the global rate, according to climate researchers from the University of Waterloo. The researchers identified specific areas within Canada that are at highest risk for extreme temperatures: “Low-lying areas from the West Coast to the Rocky Mountains (British Columbia), the Prairies bordering the United States (southern… Continue reading Canada will face lethal heat within a few decades

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Coastal Cities could face apocalyptic flooding as the climate changes and sea levels rise

Coastal cities such as New York, Miami, and many others are beginning to take some measures to protect themselves from sea level rise and extreme flooding events, but those measures are likely to be insufficient, given the rapid pace of climate change. Some experts think the only reasonable option for some coastal cities may be… Continue reading Coastal Cities could face apocalyptic flooding as the climate changes and sea levels rise

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Very early fire season in New Mexico – Climate Change at least partly responsible

Almost a quarter million acres have already burned in New Mexico as of May 4th – that is roughly double the number of acres burned there in all of 2021. Fire season in the Southwest used to start in May or June, because the vegetation fueling the fires did not typically dry out until then;… Continue reading Very early fire season in New Mexico – Climate Change at least partly responsible

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Wisconsin is already feeling the effects of climate change

Wisconsin and other parts of the Upper Midwest are often mentioned as places that may be somewhat lower risk for some climate change impacts, such as wildfire and lack of access to fresh water. However, Wisconsin is already experiencing other climate change effects, including significant warming and more extreme rainfall events, sometimes with long periods… Continue reading Wisconsin is already feeling the effects of climate change

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