Over half of U.S. properties face some degree of wildfire risk

A recent research report has determined that 56 percent of all U.S. homes face some wildfire risk over the next few decades. More than 20 million properties across the continental US are threatened by at least “moderate” wildfire risk. Those homes have up to a 6 percent chance of being in a blaze at some point over a 30-year timespan, the typical timeframe for a home mortgage. Wildfire seasons have become more intense as climate change makes the Western US hotter and drier. The past century of fire suppression has also made fires more devastating when they do break out since suppression tactics have allowed dry vegetation to build up to dangerous levels instead of allowing them to burn off in smaller, sporadic blazes. Things are only going to get riskier as climate change continues to heat the planet. In 30 years, about one in five Americans will live in areas with significant wildfire risk.


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